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Authors | Michael Nardone

Michael Nardone is co-editor of Amodern. A postdoctoral fellow in the department of French Literature at the Université de Montréal, and an affiliated faculty member at the Centre for Expanded Poetics at Concordia University, he is the author of two books of poetry: The Ritualites (2018) and Transaction Record (2014). His writings and editorial works have been published widely, and are collected at

Articles on Amodern by Michael Nardone


A Dialogue on Dylan Robinson’s Hungry Listening

Dylan Robinson's Hungry Listening: Resonant Theory for Indigenous Sound Studies emerges from encounters between Indigenous sound performance and Western art music. The book takes aim at the pernicious tendency for the latter to insist upon aesthetic assimilation as the end-goal of these encounters, which far too often means derogating the former’s ontologies and protocols of song. In this dialogue-review, members from the The Culture and Technology Discussion and Working Group (The CATDAWG) situate the book within sound studies and critiques of settler colonial listening, reflecting on the major conceptual contributions of the book such as sensate sovereignty, hungry listening, and critical listening positionality.


Jackson Mac Low's Phonopoetics

Jackson Mac Low is well-known for his multimodal repertoire: poems that exist simultaneously as text, scores for performance, performance, and sound recordings. For all the attention Mac Low's critics give to the pluriform quality of his works, thereby including the stratum of sound, none write from a position of listening to them. This essay heeds Mac Low's primary admonition to the performers of his works – "Listen! Listen! Listen!" – in approaching the phonotext of his 1971 reading in Montreal. In doing so, I focus on how the actual sounds that Mac Low orchestrated in performance – and the many contexts these sounds intone and resonate through – allow for a more detailed understanding of the polyvalent systems of poetry he produced.


An Interview with Kathleen Fitzpatrick

“We are entrenched in systems that no longer serve our needs,” argues Kathleen Fitzpatrick. From notions of authorship and the traditional peer review process to the role of the university press and library, Fitzpatrick scrutinizes specific points in the network of research production, evaluation, preservation, and circulation. Acknowledging the “wholly unsustainable economic model” under which scholarly publishing operates, she sets her focus on “the technological changes that many believe are necessary to allow academic publishing to flourish into the future.”