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Authors | Declan Gould

Declan Gould is Assistant Professor of Teaching Instruction in the Intellectual Heritage Program at Temple University. She is the author of the chapbooks “Like” or “As” (dancing girl press, 2017), Model Figure (Shirt Pocket Press, 2015) and the co-editor of (Dis)Integration: Buffalo Poets, Writers, Artists 2017. Her writing appears or is forthcoming in The Cambridge Companion to Twenty-First-Century American Poetry, the Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies, Denver Quarterly, P-Queue, Full Stop, The Conversant, and Jacket2.

Articles on Amodern by Declan Gould


Psychiactric Disability and Hannah Weiner's Typewriter Poetics

This article shows that rather than simply being symptomatic of her psychiatric disability, the origins of New York School poet Hannah Weiner’s poetic innovations are complex and interactive. Weiner’s use of diagonally-typed words, words typed in red ink (which were freshly seen as she was typing/revising her manuscripts), and her use of radical revision are the results of her negotiations not only of her psychiatric disability, but also of her sociohistorical context, material conditions, and aesthetic affiliations. I argue that Weiner’s typewriter-based formal innovations enact her open-ended, processual approach to identity and psychiatric disability, thereby extending her interrogation of categorical, normalizing ways of thinking about health and embodied difference.