Ghislain Thibault is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University. His current research project explores the conceptual and material relationships between machines and media in mid twentieth-century theories. His recent work in media archaeology and media theory has appeared in journals such as Configurations, Canadian Literature and Intermédialités.

Authors | Ghislain Thibault
Articles on Amodern by Ghislain Thibault
A Feature Interview with Wolfgang Ernst
Wolfgang Ernst is one of the leading voices of media archaeology, a research field that has garnered a growing interest for its fresh theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of media. Ernst’s main contribution to media archaeology in the recent years has been a radical critique of history through a reflection on media temporalities. In this interview, Ernst proposes to understand media archaeology as an “exercise” for media studies scholars, a mode of attention that isolates the techno-logical components of media. As he addresses the technomathematical ontology of digital communication, the genealogy of symbolic machines and the question of humanism, Ernst offers here some more conceptual tools to help us navigate through his previous writings and to reflect on some of the new directions for media archaeology.