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Authors | Jerome J. McGann

Jerome McGann is the John Stewart Bryan University Professor, University of Virginia. His most recent publications are The Invention Tree, with drawings by Susan Bee (Chax Press, 2012), Poe and the Remapping of Antebellum Print Culture (LSU Press, 2012), which he co-edited with J. Gerald Kennedy, and Are the Humanities Inconsequent? (U. of Chicago Press, 2009). The dialogue here took place while he was finishing his book Memory Now: Philology in a New Key, to be published next year by Harvard UP.

Articles on Amodern by Jerome J. McGann


A Feature Interview with Jerome J. McGann

No scholar has done more than Jerome McGann to expand our understanding of the nature of print and digital media. His experience as an editor of print media during the 70s and the 80s resulted in a drive to rehistoricize editorial practice that has revolutionized textual scholarship. In the early 90s, he began to survey a digital future that would involve the colossal task of reconstructing the entirety of our cultural inheritance for display on digital networks. For McGann, the question we face is not so much how we get on with the future, but “What kind of research and educational program can integrate the preservation and study of these two radically different media?”