Kathleen Fitzpatrick is Director of Scholarly Communication of the Modern Language Association, and Professor of Media Studies (on leave), Pomona College. She is author of Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy, published in 2011 by NYU Press and previously made available for open peer review online), and of The Anxiety of Obsolescence: The American Novel in the Age of Television, published in 2006 by Vanderbilt University Press. She is co-founder of the digital scholarly network MediaCommons.

Authors | Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Articles on Amodern by Kathleen Fitzpatrick
An Interview with Kathleen Fitzpatrick
“We are entrenched in systems that no longer serve our needs,” argues Kathleen Fitzpatrick. From notions of authorship and the traditional peer review process to the role of the university press and library, Fitzpatrick scrutinizes specific points in the network of research production, evaluation, preservation, and circulation. Acknowledging the “wholly unsustainable economic model” under which scholarly publishing operates, she sets her focus on “the technological changes that many believe are necessary to allow academic publishing to flourish into the future.”